儿童自然拼读字母书《Phonics Letter Of The Week》 – 夸克网盘吧kuakeba.cn

资源信息 资源名称:儿童自然拼读字母书《Phonics Letter Of The Week》 资源类型:课程 资源标签:#英语启蒙 #自然拼读 #学习教育 资源来源:夸克网盘吧Kuakeba.cn 资源简介 字母书《Phonics Letter of the week》共26册,每册87页,总2262页,北上广N多

儿童自然拼读字母书《Phonics Letter Of The Week》


资源名称:儿童自然拼读字母书《Phonics Letter Of The Week》
资源标签:#英语启蒙 #自然拼读 #学习教育


字母书《Phonics Letter of the week》共26册,每册87页,总2262页,北上广N多国际学校和幼儿园都在用,适合4-7岁,英语零基础也可以开始用。一本书一个字母的自然拼读练习,可以在一个星期内完成。每一个字母背后都有读音、拼读原则、单词家族、句子,学一个字母可以学到很多!


儿童自然拼读字母书《Phonics Letter Of The Week》
├─ Letter of the Week A.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week B.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week C.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week D.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week E.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week F.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week G.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week H.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week I.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week J.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week K.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week L.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week M.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week N.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week O.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week P.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week Q.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week R.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week S.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week T.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week U.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week V.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week W.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week X.pdf
├─ Letter of the Week Y.pdf
└─ Letter of the Week Z.pdf





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